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Transformational Leadership Podcasts for Every Professional

How to Become an Agile Thinker

How to Become an Agile Thinker

Agile thinking is a critical skill that many leaders need to thrive in today’s fast-paced work world. Leaders can better address strategy execution with the ability to think and react quickly as issues arise, relationships develop, and problems surface. Learning how to become an agile thinker requires understanding your strengths and weaknesses. It helps inform…

What Does It Take To Create Capabilities Focused Teams

What Does It Take To Create Capabilities-Focused Teams?

Capabilities has been a popular buzzword in 2018. Companies are seeking to identify and train employees that have specific, needed capabilities that can drive strategy execution. To be coherent, companies need to develop teams and strategies in tandem. Your staff development and leadership development programs will drive your strategy. At the same time, your business…

Coaching It’s Not Just for Senior Management Anymore

Coaching: It’s Not Just for Senior Management Anymore

About 3 million Americans quit their job each month (According to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics). That number doesn’t even take into account the number of employees that are likely considering an exit, and would leave if even slightly nudged in that direction. With this extreme volume of turnover, there is clearly…

The Power of Questions

The Power of Questions

Inquiry is a powerful way for leaders to gain a deeper understanding of their businesses and their employees. By knowing how and why to ask the right questions, leaders can gain actionable insights that drive future growth, teamwork, and human capital. Asking the right questions is essential in many professions—journalism and medicine are two good…

Cultivate Leaders Who Are Focused on Solving Problems

Cultivate Leaders Who Are Focused on Solving Problems

If you’ve been in the workforce for a while, you’ve undoubtedly seen the person who spends a lot of time in meetings pointing out all the problems inherent in a business strategy, execution plan, personnel decision, or corporate direction. Pointing out the flaws is easy. However, your human capital development should focus on finding and…

For Transformational Leadership Be Ready to Learn

For Transformational Leadership, Be Ready to Learn

Transformational leadership is a lofty concept, evoking images of inspirational leaders who can clearly define opportunities, carve a path forward, and lead others to better results that can dramatically change an organization, its employees and its outcomes. Transformational leadership often means providing visionary execution during times of uncertainty and doubt. Such leadership requires having the…

Why Does Passionate Leadership Matter

Why Does Passionate Leadership Matter?

What makes a great leader? Is it their work ethic, their confidence, their attitude, their passion? In a recent study, the Predictive Index surveyed 5,103 employees across 22 industries about their managers. The report, which can be downloaded in full here, sheds light on what makes a great manager (or a terrible boss). One of…

Benefits of Personal Development in the Workplace

Benefits of Personal Development in the Workplace

The workplace is changing, the need for new and unique skill is increasing, and employers are beginning to see the need for this as well. This is creating a demand for skill rather than the norms we use to have several years ago. This demand has so far had both positive and negative effects on…

Why Self Awareness Is Vital In Leadership

Why Self Awareness Is Vital In Leadership

A common question that we ask ourselves is “How do I become a better leader?” The majority take the path that general qualities point towards and neglect one major factor – self-awareness. Lack of self-awareness is like walking on a path that you know nothing about. To become a successful leader, you need to understand…

Why You Should Care About Professionalism in The Workplace

Why You Should Care About Professionalism in The Workplace

With the #MeToo movement still prominent, the idea of professionalism is in the spotlight now more than ever, and rightly so. Professionalism in the workplace plays a key role in the long term success of any business, no matter the scale. For a company of a small business to provide quality goods/services, employees must feel…

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