Episode 181: Take Off Your Shoes

Jay Doran Take Off Your Shoes

In this week’s podcast episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy is joined once again by CEO of Culture Matters, Jay Doran. Together, they explore the paths of self-improvement, leadership, cultural connections, and the significance of taking off your shoes.

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Episode 180: Live Your Life Fearlessly

Samuel Shepherd Live Your Life Fearlessly

In this week’s podcast episode, Chief Victory Officer Eric Guy is joined by physicist, inventor, engineer, and cancer survivor Sam Shepherd. They explore how technology is transforming health and wellness, bringing groundbreaking advancements that can directly improve your life.

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Episode 179: Fatherhood and Leadership

Jan Allen Ackley Fatherhood and Leadership

In this week’s podcast episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy is joined once again by author and 12-year veteran of the United States Air Force, Jan Ackley. They delve into the essential role of fatherhood and the importance of being a strong, supportive presence in your children’s lives. Jan shares his insights, offering practical advice on how to be an effective leader at home.

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