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Your Best Day Yet

Transformational Leadership Podcasts for Every Professional

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Episode 121: The New ‘Guy’ On The Block

In this week’s episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy is joined by Toni Guy, the newest member of the Guy family. Toni shares what has helped her to embrace her in-laws as family, as well as how she keeps her marriage thriving.

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Episode 120: Leadership Trends For 2023

In this week’s episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy and Master Chair of Vistage Worldwide, Dick Singer, discuss leadership trends for 2023. They also share how leaders can contribute to their employees wellbeing and happiness.

Sarah Kolb

Episode 119: The Obstacle Is The Way

In this week’s episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy is joined by COO at Adventures in Training with a Purpose (ATP) and Co-founder of Aurelius, Sarah Kolb. They discuss how adventures make up a critical component of the mind, body and soul.

Caleb Kolb

Episode 118: Purposeful Adventures

In this week’s episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy and Executive Director at Adventures in Training with a Purpose (ATP), Caleb Kolb, discuss the benefits of having purposeful adventures.

Marissa Host survival of the most loving

Episode 117: I’m Getting a Good Vibration

In this week’s episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy and former hospice nurse, Marissa Host, discuss the difference between good and bad vibes, what that can mean for relationships, and how good vibes can lead to better health!

Eric Guy, CVO

Episode 116: In The Zone

In this week’s episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy, shares how to identify an ideal job role for a person based on their behaviors, and how to know when you are “in the zone.” He also shows how to create an ideal work role and how to work toward that role.


Episode 115: I’ll Be Happy When…

In this week’s episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy, and Darci Williams, Certified Executive Level Life and Leadership Coach, discuss the challenge of thinking “I’ll be happy when…” and how to pursue your goals with a healthy mindset.

Marissa Host survival of the most loving

Episode 114: It’s the Environment, Stupid

In this week’s episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy and former hospice nurse, Marissa Host, continue to discuss how our environment can possibly impact our cellular and gene expression. They also dive in to how a positive environment can ultimately lead to better health, performance and relationships.


Episode 113: Celebrating Our Heroes

In this week’s episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy, and Corey Christman, Owner of Bravery Wines, discuss the importance of celebrating heroes. Corey also shares how the wine production industry provides him an opportunity to celebrate people who live a life of servitude.


Episode 112: Keep Believing

In this week’s episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy, interviews Kyle Kunkle, Vice President of Laurel Holdings, a 3rd generation family business. Listen in as Kyle shares his leadership journey, and why emotional intelligence is crucial to our development as leaders.

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