Episode 135: REPLAY – It’s In The Cell

Every cell in your body tells your story.

This week we’re bringing back one of your favorite episodes, one that we released in March of this year. We hope you enjoy it!

In this replay episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy, and former hospice nurse, Marissa Host, discuss the importance of good end-of-life care, the benefits of living in a positive environment, and how each cell of the human body responds to the pressures and traumas of life.

The human body is made up of trillions of cells, each tirelessly performing its specific function to keep us alive and healthy. But have you ever stopped to consider that these tiny building blocks of life respond not just to the physical world around them but also to the intangible aspects of our lives, such as our mindset, relationships, and diet? In this blog post, we will delve into the profound impact that these factors can have on every cell in our body, shedding light on the remarkable connection between our inner and outer worlds.

Cells, though microscopic, are remarkably sensitive and adaptive entities. They have a remarkable ability to respond to external stimuli, and their reactions often mirror our own responses to life’s challenges. Just as we experience stress, fear, or anxiety in response to trauma or toxins, our cells also go through a similar process.

When we encounter stressors, our bodies release stress hormones like cortisol, which can have a profound impact on our cells. Over time, chronic stress can lead to harmful effects on our cells, including inflammation and oxidative damage. It’s as if our cells are experiencing their own version of stress-induced anxiety.

Similarly, exposure to toxins in our environment, such as pollution or harmful chemicals, can lead to cellular damage. Cells have intricate defense mechanisms to protect themselves, but repeated exposure to toxins can overwhelm these defenses, leading to cell dysfunction and potentially contributing to various health issues.

Understanding that our cells respond to traumas and toxins much like we do underscores the importance of maintaining a healthy environment, both externally and internally, to support our overall well-being.

We put great attention into creating a safe and nurturing environment for the birth of a child, recognizing its profound impact on a person’s early development. However, we often overlook the significance of the environment in which we (and our loved ones) will eventually pass away.

Just as a positive birthing environment can set the stage for a child’s life, a peaceful and supportive environment at the end of life can have a profound impact on the dying individual’s experience. Hospice care, for example, emphasizes creating a comforting and compassionate environment for those at the end of life, acknowledging the importance of dignity and comfort during this transition.

By acknowledging the importance of both birth and death environments, we can provide the love and care necessary for a holistic and meaningful human experience. This recognition extends to the cellular level, emphasizing the importance of creating a nurturing environment for our cells to thrive throughout our lives.

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to become consumed with career success and the pursuit of personal ambitions. Unfortunately, this often leads to the neglect of essential factors that influence our cellular health—nutrition and physical activity.

Our bodies require a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to fuel our cells’ daily activities. Neglecting proper nutrition can lead to deficiencies that can harm cellular function and overall health. Cells rely on the nutrients we provide through our diet to carry out essential processes, and when deprived, they struggle to perform optimally.

Likewise, physical activity is not just beneficial for our muscles and cardiovascular system; it directly affects our cells. Regular exercise stimulates the release of various biochemical signals that promote cellular health, including reducing inflammation and supporting the growth of new, healthy cells.

Neglecting these fundamental aspects of self-care can have a domino effect on our cellular health, potentially leading to chronic diseases and premature aging. It’s essential to strike a balance between career success and the well-being of our cells, as they are the foundation of our overall health and vitality.

The things we choose to focus on in our lives have a profound impact on our experiences and, consequently, our cellular health. Our mindset, attitudes, and daily habits shape our lives in ways that extend to the cellular level.

A positive mindset can lead to lower stress levels and improved overall wellbeing. When we focus on gratitude, optimism, and resilience, our cells benefit from reduced oxidative stress and inflammation. In contrast, a negative mindset characterized by chronic stress, anxiety, and pessimism can have detrimental effects on our cells, contributing to various health issues.

Moreover, the habits we cultivate have a direct impact on our cells. Choosing to prioritize a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep can promote cellular health and longevity. On the other hand, unhealthy habits like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and a sedentary lifestyle can accelerate cellular aging and increase the risk of diseases.

In conclusion, our mindset, relationships, and diet wield a tremendous influence over every cell in our body. Recognizing the interconnectedness of these aspects of our lives can empower us to make mindful choices that support our cellular health and overall well-being. By fostering a positive mindset, nurturing meaningful relationships, prioritizing nutrition and physical activity, and maintaining a healthy focus, we can provide our cells with the optimal environment they need to thrive and, in turn, enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling life.

• Our cells respond to traumas and toxins similarly to the way that we do.
• We put great attention into our birthing environment, so we should put the same level of care into the environment in which someone will die.
• Often people become so consumed with career success that they neglect the physical nutrients and activity that the body needs.
• The things you choose to focus on are the things that will affect you the most.

“It’s so important to be self-aware, and to be honest with yourself.”

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