Episode 134: A Map To Growth

A Career Map Could Change Your Life.

In this week’s episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy, is joined by Pete Schramm, CEO and People Engagement Engineer for Lattitude. They discuss how you can successfully map out your personal growth, and how to surround yourself with leaders who will assist you with your career map.

In the dynamic world of professional endeavors, it’s crucial to emphasize the significance of charting your career goals and assembling a team of supporters to guide you through the journey. This potent combination can make the difference between drifting aimlessly and soaring purposefully towards your aspirations. Let’s explore the reasons behind this approach and how you can craft your own path to triumph.

Navigating the Costs: Hiring and Talent Loss

The expenses of recruiting the right talent are well-known, from sourcing candidates to training them. However, what often goes unnoticed are the potentially greater costs of losing those valuable team members. High turnover rates drain both finances and morale, impacting both short-term productivity and long-term success. This is where a thoughtfully structured career map and a supportive team come into play.

The Role of a Supportive Boss

A commendable boss is more than just a supervisor overseeing your daily tasks; they should serve as a guide for your personal growth journey. A boss who invests time in comprehending your ambitions and aligning them with your role can significantly influence your trajectory. Regular check-ins to evaluate your progress, discuss your strengths, and identify areas for growth can help you steer your career in the right direction.

The Imperative of a Career Map

Imagine embarking on a road trip without a map or navigation system. Chances are, you’ll find yourself lost and disoriented. Similarly, without a well-defined career map, you risk straying from your intended path. A career map lays out your short-term and long-term goals, providing a visual representation of the milestones you need to achieve. It offers focus, direction, and a sense of purpose, ensuring that your efforts contribute meaningfully to your overarching objectives.

Crafting Your Path and Building Advisors

To optimize your journey, break it down into distinct phases: Pre-Career, Early-Career, Mid-Career, Late-Career, and Post-Career. Within each phase, establish specific objectives and checkpoints. Your Pre-Career phase could involve education and skill development, while your Early-Career phase might focus on establishing yourself in your chosen field.

In tandem with your career map, cultivate a Board of Advisors. Seek out mentors, colleagues, or friends who have your best interests at heart. They can offer diverse perspectives, provide guidance, and share their own experiences. A robust support network not only enhances your decision-making process but also reinforces your sense of community.

Setting Clear Expectations

When onboarding new team members, it’s essential to set clear expectations. Communicate your organization’s values, mission, and long-term vision. This transparency empowers employees to align their personal goals with the company’s objectives. By showcasing your commitment to their growth, you establish a foundation of trust that can lead to higher job satisfaction and improved retention rates.

Fostering Growth and Unleashing Potential

Your team members aren’t stagnant resources; they’re potential waiting to be realized. Regularly review their career maps, and engage in open conversations about their goals and aspirations. This showcases your investment in their development and provides opportunities to align their ambitions with the organization’s needs. When individuals see a path to advancement within your company, they’re more likely to remain motivated and dedicated.

Leadership Beyond Work Hours

Effective leaders recognize that life extends beyond the confines of the office. They foster a culture that values work-life balance and personal well-being. Encouraging employees to pursue passions, engage in continuous learning, and maintain a healthy lifestyle enriches their lives both within and outside the workplace. This holistic leadership approach nurtures loyalty, elevates morale, and enhances overall job satisfaction.

In summary, the dual forces of a meticulously designed career map and a supportive team can propel your journey towards triumph. By investing in a strategic plan, you equip yourself to navigate the intricate landscape of your profession. Likewise, surrounding yourself with mentors and colleagues who genuinely care about your growth creates a robust support system that propels you forward. So, whether you’re just embarking on your career voyage or have already covered substantial ground, remember: success is a voyage best undertaken with a map in hand and a team by your side.


  • Hiring is expensive, but losing talent can be even more costly.
  • A good boss should help you map out your personal growth on your career map.
  • If you don’t have a plan or a career map, how are you going to reach your goals?
  • Create a Career Map and a Board of Advisors: Pre-Career, Early-Career, Mid-Career, Late-Career, Post-Career.
  • Set your expectations from the start with your new hire.
  • Give your people the chance to grow. Look at their career map and take the time to talk with them about their goals.
  • Leaders should set the tone that life is about more than your workday.


  • “Doing the wrong thing can be much worse than doing nothing at all.”
  • “Don’t settle for the wrong person.”
  • “Life is what you make of it, so why not make it great?”
  • “Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own.” – Bruce Lee

Make this your BEST DAY YET! Learn more at resources.CenterForVictory.com.

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