Episode 124: Getting Into Your Genius

Everyone has a bit of genius in them.

In this week’s episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy, and Chief Joy Officer, Faith Guy, discuss the importance of shifting our perspective of our strengths and weaknesses. They also share how to change your mindset toward strengths and weaknesses, and to instead view these qualities as talents and non-talents.

– Stay focused on your natural talents.
– Focus on allowing others to be talented and intentionally help foster those talents in them.
– View others’ strengths and weaknesses as talents and non-talents.
– Take time to regulate yourself, so you can learn better.
– Be aware of what your own talents are and what those talents may look like in other people.
– Create an environment where you are consciously complimentary (not competitive) to the people close to you.
– Be around people who won’t doubt your ability.
– Compare yourself only to what you did yesterday—not to other people.

– “Understand and build awareness about what your non-talents are, and be excited about what your talents are.”
– “Don’t place someone in a box when they are circular.”
– “You can’t have education without regulation.”
– “Don’t give up on your talents.”
– “Just compare you to you.”
– “Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Make this your BEST DAY YET! Learn more at resources.CenterForVictory.com.

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