Episode 184: Moving on By

Moving Through a Fulfilling, Authentic Life

In this week’s podcast episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy is joined by coach and author, Dr. Lucille Maddalena. Together, they explore the keys to finding joy in your work and moving through a fulfilling, authentic life.

In the latest episode of the podcast, Chief Victory Officer Eric Guy sits down with coach and author Dr. Lucille Maddalena to delve into a topic that resonates deeply with professionals across all industries: finding joy in your work and creating a life that feels both authentic and fulfilling. This conversation is not just about career success; it’s about the holistic journey of living a meaningful life that leaves a lasting legacy.

Finding Joy in Your Work

One of the central themes of their discussion is the importance of finding joy in your work. This doesn’t necessarily mean that every task will be enjoyable, but rather that there are aspects of your work that can bring you satisfaction and fulfillment. Whether it’s through the connections you make with colleagues and clients, the tasks you undertake, or the results you achieve, there is always something to find joy in.

Eric and Dr. Maddalena emphasize that joy in work is often rooted in the sense of purpose that your work gives you. When you feel that what you’re doing is making a difference, whether in the lives of others or in the broader scope of your organization, it becomes easier to find that joy. This perspective shifts the focus from simply completing tasks to seeing the bigger picture of how your work contributes to something greater.

Shaping Your Legacy Through Your Actions Today

Another powerful takeaway from their conversation is the concept that your actions today shape the legacy you leave behind. Dr. Maddalena beautifully encapsulates this idea with the quote, “Your legacy is the people that you’ve developed…the people that you’ve helped succeed.” This perspective shifts the focus from personal achievements to the impact you have on others. It’s a reminder that the true measure of success isn’t just in accolades or titles, but in the lives you’ve touched and the people you’ve helped grow.

This idea of legacy ties back to the concept of joy in work. When you invest in the success of others, whether by mentoring a colleague, providing support to a team member, or simply being a positive influence, you create a ripple effect that extends far beyond your immediate sphere. These are the actions that contribute to a lasting legacy, one that is defined by the growth and success of others.

The Impact of Modern Communication on Connection

In the digital age, communication methods have evolved, making it easier than ever to connect with others. However, as Eric and Dr. Maddalena discuss, these modern methods of communication can also lead to a sense of isolation. While it’s possible to send a quick text or email, these methods often lack the depth of a face-to-face conversation.

Dr. Maddalena suggests that to truly connect with others, we need to go beyond the surface level and make a concerted effort to reach out and bridge the gap. This could mean picking up the phone for a real conversation, scheduling a video call, or even taking the time to write a thoughtful message. The key is to be intentional about building and moving through meaningful connections, rather than relying on quick, convenient methods that may not fully convey your thoughts or emotions.

Taking Risks and Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Building meaningful connections and finding joy in your work often requires moving in a way that can be risky. As Dr. Maddalena notes, “Getting out and taking the risk works.” Whether it’s stepping out of your comfort zone to try something new, or taking the initiative to start a difficult conversation, growth and fulfillment often come from pushing your boundaries.

Taking risks can be daunting, but it’s also necessary for personal and professional growth. By putting yourself out there, even when it’s scary, you open yourself up to new opportunities and experiences that can enrich your life. It’s through these risks that you build resilience, learn valuable lessons, and ultimately, find greater joy in your work and life.

Eric Guy and Dr. Lucille Maddalena offer a powerful message in this episode: joy in work and life doesn’t just happen; it’s something you cultivate through meaningful connections, moving purposefully, and a willingness to take risks. Your legacy is built not just on your accomplishments, but on the impact you have on others. By stepping out of your comfort zone and reaching out to those around you, you can create a life that is not only successful but deeply fulfilling.

In today’s fast-paced, digitally-driven world, it’s easy to lose sight of these important principles. However, by focusing on what truly matters – the connections you build, the risks you take, and the legacy you leave behind – you can find true joy in your work and create a life that is both authentic and rewarding.

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